среда, 28 марта 2018 г.

Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump

Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump

This easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump adds the perfect amount of rustic charm to your kitchen or bathroom. They can be made with regular or foaming soap pumps!

Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump - an easy DIY craft using mason jars. Perfect for your kitchen or bathroom!  I have one in both!

Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump - an easy DIY craft using mason jars. Perfect for your kitchen or bathroom!  I have one in both!

Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump

Mason jars are every where on Pinterest, right?! I saw this adorable mason jar soap pump (on Pinterest, of course) and I just had to try to make one myself.

We live in an old farmhouse, so this mason jar soap pump just goes perfectly with the feel of our home. We’re also working on the finishing touches of our bathroom remodel (which I mentioned last week in my post about How to Make Perfectly Straight Caulk Lines), and these look oh-so-pretty displayed in both our bathroom and kitchen.

I didn’t follow a specific tutorial. I just looked at the pictures, and then went about figuring it out. It’s more fun for me that way! Like a puzzle!

Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump - an easy DIY craft using mason jars. Perfect for your kitchen or bathroom!  I have one in both!

So here’s what I used for my DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump:

I made 2 of these: one for regular soap, and one with foaming soap. I couldn’t find a foaming soap pump, so I just bought a bottle of foaming hand soap and used both the pump and the soap for my DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump.

Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump - an easy DIY craft using mason jars. Perfect for your kitchen or bathroom!  I have one in both!

Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump - an easy DIY craft using mason jars. Perfect for your kitchen or bathroom!  I have one in both!

Directions for Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump

1. With the lid screwed onto the Mason Jar, use the large drill bit to punch a hole in the top of the lid. These aren’t difficult to break through, so I didn’t need to actually turn the drill on. I just punched right through.

Do be careful with this step though for 2 reasons- 1. If you punch too hard, you will hit the bottom of the mason jar and it could break. Sharp glass everywhere is never great for safety. 2. When you do safely punch through, there will be sharp metal edges. Be careful not to cut your fingers on these very sharp edges.

2. Using the wire cutters cut off as much of the sharp metal edges as you can, again being very careful not to accidentally cut yourself on the sharp metal. It’s okay if there’s still a little of sharp edge left. We’ll take care of that in a minute, and make sure these are safe for use even for the clumsy folks (like myself!)

3. Make sure the hole is big enough to fit your soap pump, but small enough so that the actual pump stays on top. My foaming soap pump was much bigger than my regular one, so we just used the handle part of a screwdriver to push the hole open a little wider. When your hole is the right size, place your soap pump snugly in the hole.

4. Grab your caulk and seal around the bottom part of the lid where you poked your hole, again being careful of the metal edges. This will cover your sharp edges and hold your soap pump in place. Allow the caulk to dry completely, 12-24 hours.

Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump - an easy DIY craft using mason jars. Perfect for your kitchen or bathroom!  I have one in both!

Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump - an easy DIY craft using mason jars. Perfect for your kitchen or bathroom!  I have one in both!

5. When your caulk is finally dry, you can add hand soap to your new Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap, and it’s ready for use!

Easy DIY Mason Jar Soap Pump - an easy DIY craft using mason jars. Perfect for your kitchen or bathroom!  I have one in both!

Did you like this Mason Jar Soap Pump? Find more household tricks on my For the Home, DIY, and In the Kitchen boards on Pinterest!

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Original article and pictures take www.thegraciouswife.com site

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