Tracing directly on glass using only a sharpie? Yes that's right, just a sharpie and... a steady pulse!! :0) art
The very first thing you need to do is find your image to print and for that I will let you know one of my fav places on the internet where you can chose from dozens of images that are free of copyrights and ready for high resolution printing... "The Graphics Fairy"
Check it out!
For this project is very, very important to know that if your image contains any text, you MUST print it "mirror image" otherwise when you trace it on the back of the glass it would read backwards when you hang it, clear?...good lets move on then.
I printed my beautiful image on "mirror image"
and I placed some tape on the edges to make sure the sheet didn't move.
The I placed the clean glass on top and started tracing...I painted directly on the glass using a black, ultra fine point sharpie for a more define edge.
I know, I know it feels weird to write words backwards but if you ignore that you are tracing words and pretend they're just images, it'll be ok.
A little trick to stay on the lines is.. position yourself right on top of the design, not from an angle, that way you'll make sure to trace the right way and you'll also avoid shadows and obstructions.
As you can see in my close-ups, I didn't do a very good job at tracing on the lines but believe me when I tell you, it won't show so bad after you're done.
f you're unsure on how you are doing just lift the sheet of the glass and peak, like I did, but make sure you don't move it or you could potentially ruin your work of art.
Here I'm showing you another image, this one didn't need to be printed on mirror image because it contained no text.
This beautiful mermaid design was very different from the first ad style design and required more attention because of it's lines and dots was harder to trace properly and it took me about an hour to finish.
wow, that was actually tedious work!!
To see more:
Original article and pictures take site
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