january is the perfect time to start afresh so I figured I'd jump on the tidy bandwagon and make an organiser! ideal for hanging in your office or kitchen to scribble down reminders (and store all those pesky pens that have a habit of hiding when you need them..)
if you're looking to de clutter your workspace read on and I'll show you how to make your own!

you'll need the following materials:

to start drill 2 small holes near the top of the plywood (so you can hang it.)
take an A5 notebook with plain pages and cut off the cover using a craft knife -leave the spine intact so the pages don't fall out!

lay the notebook and cork onto the plywood and measure where you want them to sit (mine were approx 3cm apart) mark the area with a pencil and cover with PVA glue.

next is the pocket- take a thin piece of baslsa wood and mark out 4 shapes.

cut them out with a craft knife and sand down the edges, carefully assemble the pieces you've cut using some wood glue.
leave the pocket to dry before gluing it onto the organiser.

what do you think- would you try making your own?
back soon
caroline x
Original article and pictures take www.burkatron.com site
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