среда, 28 марта 2018 г.

Button Moon Collage

Button Moon Collage

Make a moon button craft to add to your home décor! So easy to put together that even young children can make this craft.

Make a moon button craft to add to your home décor! So easy to put together that even young children can make this winter craft.

My son is in love with the moon. When we go for a walk at night, which we do every evening, because it lulls him to sleep, he calls for it, “Moon! Moonie!” Now, what parents wouldn’t want to give their child a moon, right? ;-) We also decided to try. Our attempt of getting him the moon resulted in this craft.

Update: Four years later, he still likes everything space – and he also likes making button crafts! Since this first moon, we have also created:


  • card stock paper: black or blue
  • transparent packing tape
  • many buttons and beads (white, creamy, golden, yellow, mint, light-blue, etc)


Reaching for the Moon: Make a Button Collage

1. Download the template and print the design on the black card stock paper. Even though it is black on black, you will be able to see it well enough. Then cut the moon and star shapes out with a hobby knife and scissors. You can make your own design with children if they are up for it!

2. Apply strips of tape to the back of the paper so that their sticky surface is exposed in the cutouts.

3. Collect buttons and beads in a bowl. Get buttons of various shapes and shades. Of course, if you are doing this craft with little kids, make sure that they are past the stage of putting things in their mouths and stay close, just in case.

4. Set up an invitation to play! Beads and buttons will adhere to the sticky surface, defining the moon silhouette, and the children’s fingers will get a fine motor skill workout. My son had a great time playing with the shiny buttons, and his spontaneous arrangement made for an effective result.

Reaching for the Moon: Make a Button Collage

Reaching for the Moon: Make a Button Collage

While children work on their first art projects, their choices of colours seem purely impulsive, but as they get more experience they develop an understanding of materials and colour combinations. For instance, just a few months ago, Budster did not even know what to make of stickers and scotch tape, and now he could make this collage. He was visibly happy with the finished work: he got the moon of his own! As for me, I got a picture to frame and put on the wall of our crafts room. It will always remind me of how in the summer just before he turned two, my little boy was in love with the moon.

Make a moon button craft to add to your home décor! So easy to put together that even young children can make this winter craft.

Original article and pictures take www.adventure-in-a-box.com site

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