среда, 28 марта 2018 г.

This DIY Cloud Lamp Will Bring A Thunderstorm Right Into Your Bedroom

This DIY Cloud Lamp Will Bring A Thunderstorm Right Into Your Bedroom

Here’s a fun little project that’s actually pretty unique, and will add some flare to your room thanks in part to TiffyQuake.

Now, you might have seen the article we featured here a few months ago about the cloud lamp that creates an incredible thunderstorm inside your bedroom, but as you can imagine it’s pretty expensive.

Which is probably something most people wouldn’t be able to splurge on, so we found this cloud lamp alternative.

You can always vary it up if you want something different, but we’ve included what they’ve used at the bottom of this article. All of which can be purchased from Amazon!

Different sizes of paper lanterns

Hot glue gun with sticks

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Set of LED curtain lights

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Clear string or fishing line

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Use the glue gun to apply the hot glue on the paper lantern… then start attaching the cotton

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Using your wooden dowel, tie the string or fishing line around it

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Hook one end to a hook in the ceiling / Do the same with the other end

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Tie each ball individually and adjust the length as needed

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Once you get your desired height, just keep adding your paper lanterns

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Next, pull your LED lights through the base of the cloud

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Plug it in and…….

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Check out the video to see the steps and to see it in action

Below is a list of what you’ll need (click on each one to purchase from Amazon).

1. Cotton: GoodFairfield Poly-Fil / BetterRaw Cotton Stuffing

2. Paper lanterns

3. Wooden dowel

4. Fishing line

5. Hot glue gun

6. Battery-powered LED lights

7. Screw hooks

If you don’t have time to make one yourself these contemporary cloud lamps on Amazon look awesome and they’re aren’t overly expensive.

Make sure to give this a share on Facebook and don’t forget to drop us a comment below. (Photos via: TiffyQuake / YouTube)

Original article and pictures take canyouactually.com site

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