среда, 28 марта 2018 г.

DIY Garden Markers – Printable Garden Markers – Cheap Garden Markers

DIY Garden Markers – Printable Garden Markers – Cheap Garden Markers

Let the gardening begin! I have some seedlings started, and all I had to mark them with was popsicle sticks and a permanent marker. It was not very pretty. I always wanted to have pretty garden markers, so I decided to make my own. Not only did I figure out a gorgeous way to make DIY Garden Markers, but it was fun too! Follow along with me and I will share where I got my supplies for cheap and how I made them.

DIY Garden Markers - Printable Garden Markers - Cheap Garden Markers | Crafty Garden Markers - Glass Gem Garden Markers - Garden Marker Tutorial | http://homesteadwishing.com/diy-garden-markers/ | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | diy- garden-marker, printable-garden-markers, cheap-garden-markers.

First, you may need to go shopping to pick up a couple of items. I got almost everything I needed from the Dollar Tree. The beautiful baker’s twine you see in the photo, yep that’s from DT! I have used that twine for many of my projects. It’s a personal favorite. If you can’t find this twine you can substitute with regular twine. Check out more Dollar Tree gardening supplies, I made a list!

DIY Garden Markers

DIY Garden Markers - Printable Garden Markers - Cheap Garden Markers | Crafty Garden Markers - Glass Gem Garden Markers - Garden Marker Tutorial | http://homesteadwishing.com/diy-garden-markers/ | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | diy- garden-marker, printable-garden-markers, cheap-garden-markers.


First let’s talk supplies. What will you need to make the DIY Garden Markers?

  • Modge Podge – gloss or matte will work. Found mine at The Dollar Tree.
  • Scissors
  • Twine – Found mine at The Dollar Tree.
  • Sticks – Find sticks and cut them the length that is most useful to you. You want them at least 3/4 – 1 inch around.
  • 1-3 Glass Gems Bags, found mine at The Dollar Tree. They need to be medium sized.
  • E6000, to glue the glass gems onto the wood. It is capable of gluing glass, and wood together.
  • Small Sponge Brush – Found mine at The Dollar Tree.
  • Glue GunGlue Sticks – Found mine at The dollar Tree.
  • Garden Marker Printables: The last item you will need to make these beautiful garden markers is the printable that I made. You get over 40 vegetable labels, over 15 herb labels & a blank sheet to add any of your own designs! Check out below on how to grab your DIY Garden Marker Printable now!

DIY Garden Markers - Printable Garden Markers - Cheap Garden Markers | Crafty Garden Markers - Glass Gem Garden Markers - Garden Marker Tutorial | http://homesteadwishing.com/diy-garden-markers/ | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | diy- garden-marker, printable-garden-markers, cheap-garden-markers.

Grab all three sheets of the DIY Garden Markers —> Print Garden Markers

(Use code “readerspecial” to get $4 off!!)

Or grab just the Vegetable sheet of the garden markers —> Print Vegetable Sheet Only

(Use the code “springtime” for $2 off!!)

If you would like a free printable kinda like these you can find a couple here. Though, there are not any titles just an illustration, and less to choose from. They are cute though!

DIY Garden Marker Tutorial

Make sure to brush glue on very thinly or the dye on the paper will bleed. I had a problem with the tomato, I tried it 3 times but it bled each time. I will try to fix the problem, in the meantime keep it in mind. I will update if I figure out a solution.

  1. First, plug in the glue gun, and set it aside somewhere safe away from kids, animals and flammable items. Then, cut out the circles along the dotted lines.
    DIY Garden Markers - Printable Garden Markers - Cheap Garden Markers | Crafty Garden Markers - Glass Gem Garden Markers - Garden Marker Tutorial | http://homesteadwishing.com/diy-garden-markers/ | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | diy- garden-marker, printable-garden-markers, cheap-garden-markers.
  2. Brush a very thin coat of modge podge on the flat part of the gems.
    DIY Garden Markers - Printable Garden Markers - Cheap Garden Markers | Crafty Garden Markers - Glass Gem Garden Markers - Garden Marker Tutorial | http://homesteadwishing.com/diy-garden-markers/ | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | diy- garden-marker, printable-garden-markers, cheap-garden-markers.
  3. Lay the circle face down into the modge podge. Glance on the rounded side and make sure you can see the image and text. The picture will look much clearer after the glue has dried. Now glue on top of the paper, on one side, and again a very thin layer of modge podge!
    DIY Garden Markers - Printable Garden Markers - Cheap Garden Markers | Crafty Garden Markers - Glass Gem Garden Markers - Garden Marker Tutorial | http://homesteadwishing.com/diy-garden-markers/ | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | diy- garden-marker, printable-garden-markers, cheap-garden-markers.
  4. Quickly, put the two sides together. Make sure to line up the pictures.
    DIY Garden Markers - Printable Garden Markers - Cheap Garden Markers | Crafty Garden Markers - Glass Gem Garden Markers - Garden Marker Tutorial | http://homesteadwishing.com/diy-garden-markers/ | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | diy- garden-marker, printable-garden-markers, cheap-garden-markers.
  5. For this next couple of steps, make sure you have the twine out and unraveled a bit, and the glue open and ready to use. Grab one of the sticks, and put a dollop of glue on the end. I found it helpful to also add a little bit of glue from the hot glue gun, because the E6000 takes a while to set and using the hot glue with allow you to let go of it more quickly and lay it down to dry completely.
    DIY Garden Markers - Printable Garden Markers - Cheap Garden Markers | Crafty Garden Markers - Glass Gem Garden Markers - Garden Marker Tutorial | http://homesteadwishing.com/diy-garden-markers/ | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | diy- garden-marker, printable-garden-markers, cheap-garden-markers.
  6. Quickly, set the gems in the glue.
    DIY Garden Markers - Printable Garden Markers - Cheap Garden Markers | Crafty Garden Markers - Glass Gem Garden Markers - Garden Marker Tutorial | http://homesteadwishing.com/diy-garden-markers/ | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | diy- garden-marker, printable-garden-markers, cheap-garden-markers.
  7. Hold the glass gem in the glue for a for minute to let it set. Lay it down and don’t disturb it for about a day.
  8. Add a thin layer of glue around the edges of the gems, to help keep out water. If water gets in there the paper inside will dull and bleed out the dyes in the ink.
  9. Next, I added the twine by using a drop of glue from the glue gun, and then wrapped it around and around. Then, glue the end. I usually tried to start and end on the side to help conceal the ugliness of the glue. I also squish the glue down, so that it is not beady. It looks less inconspicuous this way.
    DIY Garden Markers - Printable Garden Markers - Cheap Garden Markers | Crafty Garden Markers - Glass Gem Garden Markers - Garden Marker Tutorial | http://homesteadwishing.com/diy-garden-markers/ | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | diy- garden-marker, printable-garden-markers, cheap-garden-markers.

Now you get to enjoy all of your hard work. These DIY Garden Markers are a beautiful way to mark your little seeds this spring. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! Don’t forget the Garden Maker Printables! Grab them while they are still available! Buy Now

DIY Garden Markers - Printable Garden Markers - Cheap Garden Markers | Crafty Garden Markers - Glass Gem Garden Markers - Garden Marker Tutorial | http://homesteadwishing.com/diy-garden-markers/ | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | diy- garden-marker, printable-garden-markers, cheap-garden-markers.

DIY Garden Markers - Printable Garden Markers - Cheap Garden Markers | Crafty Garden Markers - Glass Gem Garden Markers - Garden Marker Tutorial | http://homesteadwishing.com/diy-garden-markers/ | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | diy- garden-marker, printable-garden-markers, cheap-garden-markers.

Original article and pictures take homesteadwishing.com site

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