среда, 28 марта 2018 г.

Beer Bottle Cap Table

Beer Bottle Cap Table
Beer bottle cap table, coffee table, beer caps, design, creative ideas, inexpensive crafts, touch of tay, fall crafts, summer crafts

DIY, inexpensive crafts, dollar store, cheap

I know I haven’t posted a craft in a long time, don’t hate me! The end of the summer was a crazy time for me, but I am back and ready to craft! Today’s blog post is going to be yet another fun craft idea! As you can tell from the title, I am going to be showing you how to create a table top that is made entirely out of beer bottle caps!

This project is going to take some prep time and patients but don’t worry, the outcome is so amazing you will impress all your friends!

P.S. Get your Michael’s coupons ready! If you don’t receive coupons from Michael’s, your insane! Get up right now, drive to Michael’s and give them your email address ASAP! I seriously get at least two coupons every week! 40% off one item or 20% off the entire order! You can use them on your phone or print them out! So go! Coupon it up, girl!

What you need:

1. Beer bottle caps in good condition

Price: Depends on method used for gathering said caps. Collecting from own drinking or finding a bartender with a kind heart!

2. Clear, high gloss, epoxy

Price: $20

3. A table with a lip on it. I chose to sand and spray paint my table, you can find the steps to this project in my refurbished wood coffee table post. This total took about five hours and cost about $12. I used the same spray paint from the porcelain pottery craft I did the other day.

Price: $12

3. Paint brush

Price: 99 cents

Prep steps:

1. Collect bottle caps from home and friends. I collected all the bottle caps I used for my table all on my own. It took me a very long time, over a year…and I still didn’t have a lot. Either drink a lot a beer or get in contact with a bartender who can give you all the beer caps that accumulate over the weekend.

Make sure you have a wide array of color caps to work with. The design is entirely up to you but collecting all different colors will allow you to make more interesting designs.

2. Find a table! This sounds like an easy task but think again! It took me awhile to find a table with a lip on it. I didn’t want to spend more than $20 on the table. I scrummaged through GoodWill, Salvation Army, garage sales and amazon before I finally found my perfect little coffee table right in my garage.

The reason your table should have a lip on it is because it will allow you to pour the epoxy over your caps without having to worry about creating a barrier. This prevents the epoxy from running off the sides. I read online that you could create a faux lip/barrier with tin foil and tape…but that sounded like a lot of work, so I was determined to find the perfect table.

3. Give yourself time to put this all together! Like I said it takes patients, mostly because you must let the epoxy dry completely before moving onto the next step. Your patience will pay off in the end when you have a badass table! So don’t rush it!

Note: You can use a blow torch to get rid of any bubbles that form in the epoxy but honestly, I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. The air bubbles just add to the authenticity of your table. If you already have a blow torch, by all means use it, if not…don’t worry about it.

Let’s do it:

Step one: Figure out a design! I color coded my caps first and then developed a game plan for the overall design. I just randomly put the caps on the table but you can make a design of an animal, college/high school letters, hearts, stars, etc. Take a picture with your phone so you can reference the pattern when you move onto your next step.

Step two: Use your paint brush to paint on a small layer of epoxy onto the surface of your table. Do not mix all the epoxy you bought!!!!! Only enough for a thin layer. This is going to act like a glue to keep your caps from floating to the top. Use the picture you took from step one to make sure your design is exactly the same. The epoxy is flexible so you can move your caps around after placing them on the table.

Let the epoxy dry for 24-48 hours!

Beer bottle cap table, coffee table, beer caps, design, creative ideas, inexpensive crafts, touch of tay, fall crafts, summer crafts

Step 3: Mix the rest of your epoxy and pour over caps. Make sure all the caps are completely covered! Work your way around the table slowly to avoid air bubbles.

Beer bottle cap table, coffee table, beer caps, design, creative ideas, inexpensive crafts, touch of tay, fall crafts, summer crafts

Step 4: This is when you would use your blowtorch if you choose to. Make sure you use it within a few minutes of pouring epoxy before it starts to dry.

Step 5: Let it dry, girl! Wait 48 hours before revisiting your table.

Beer bottle cap table, coffee table, beer caps, design, creative ideas, inexpensive crafts, touch of tay, fall crafts, summer crafts

Tip: If you decide to use tin foil sides make sure you don’t remove them until the epoxy is halfway dry. You might want to clean up the sides with an exact-o knife.

Overall this project took me three days and cost me about $33. This project is not for the faint of heart, but it is totally worth it! This table is for sale if you would like to purchase this one of a kind piece, just email me at diybytay@gmail.com.

I hope you enjoyed learning how to make an awesome beer bottle cap table! If you aren’t a big beer drinker, you can always use soda bottle caps!

Send me pictures of anything you create! Happy crafting!

Original article and pictures take secure.gravatar.com site

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