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All the the pretty little tassels swinging about lately are so fun and we just can’t get enough! Don’t miss these fun tassel DIYs that add just the right pop to your outfit and decor.
15 Pretty Little Tassel DIYs
1.Multi-colored tassel embellishments for zippers, key rings, and more.

2. You’ve probably seen these pretty little necklaces in stores, but find out how to DIY your own here!

3. Love this mint and silver DIY tassel garland for home or party.

4. And how about this modern tassel wall hanging? Super easy to make and makes a great statement too.

5. Pretty gold tassel bookmarks

6. DIY leather tassel necklaces

7. I am crazy about this yarn tassel bedskirt!

8. Ombre yarn tassel hanging

9. Tassel up a pair of sandals or heels.

10. Add a DIY tassel charm to your handbag or diaper bag.

11. And this summer lawn blanket is too adorable!

12. Of course your keys need a tassel.

13. DIY tassel bunting makes us happy.

14. And this suede tassel bracelet is ultra cool.

15. Finally, what sofa or bed would be complete without a tassel pillow? DIY it for your own home.

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Original article and pictures take howdoesshe.com site
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